
Metro Cooperative (U) T/C Society Ltd.

Independence day special offer. Fix Rs ₹50,000 and get Rs 4 lakh in 18 years. Offer Will Be valid till 31,September 2024. Image

How Can you make career

Agent to District Manager journey (Apply Now)

एजेंट से जिला प्रबंधक तक की यात्रा (अभी आवेदन करें)


We are starting metro cooperative society for good career in your life. Start your career as an agent, we will promote you according to your working performance, For our society every agent is equal. After Agent your designation will be Supervisor. Supervisors should have the ability to add, remove, or modify agents under their supervision. Provide functionalities for supervisors to assign tasks or goals to individual agents. Supervisors should be able to monitor the performance metrics of each agent. Metrics could include completed tasks, sales figures, customer satisfaction ratings, etc. Implement visualizations such as charts or graphs to represent this data effectively.